Rushing in the Morning

 Saturday 11:09 AM

Hey beach! I know you are reading this in your bed and I just wanna make a quick post telling you that you should go with my mom, me, and my dad to Golden Corral because they are boring and I'll be stuck with them. This whole time I should have been getting ready, but instead, I've been waking you up with my flashlight because you can't hear my knocks and you locked your door I had to flash your eyes with my iPhone light. Come on I went through all this trouble to alert you of what we are doing today by waking you up and commenting on your blog, responding to your comments on my blog, and well... just keeping you updated on Ale's Days (a blog I made because of you). I hope you can accept this invitation to Golden Corral and even if you say you are not hungry you are because you lie all the time. Whenever my mom asks you if you want something from let's say Canes you always say no and when we come home you say what you bring me and we say nothing or we have leftovers and you try to eat them. SO PLEASE GO WITH US!!!!!


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