Well...I know who sent it!

 Tuesday 5:09 PM

Okay, so we just spent 5 minutes talking about whistling and even looked up that interview between Rihanna and Jim Parson where Rihanna says she can't whistle and Parson was all like "I'm surprised a musician can't whistle" and Riri was like "WHAT!" and Parson did the oops I messed up face lol. Anyways today is Valentine's Day and it is cloudy and rainy I think this song is ABSOLUTELY perfect for this weather and day. I am currently listening to the above song as I am typing this and am feeling chills from how good it is also because it's cold. 

Now that we are past introductions we can discuss the topic on everyone's mind... who sent it? Well I received the candy gram during advisory and it was a paper flower with a paper heart attached to it with a lollipop that had bubble gum in it, I ate it already.

At first, I just left it on my desk, then realized that the paper heart said something on it. I opened it and knew instantly that it wasn't Bob, thank god. It was my friend Sarai. I first met her in 8th grade when Montebello closed down to become ATS and her whole school transferred to Granada East. We became friends pretty fast and she is a really nice girl. We had similar classes during our sophomore year which were all online and we had a bunch of video chats about life and school, I think from that year on we became good friends like in the sims when you level up, lolz. Either way, I still was shocked that she was the one who sent it to me because I wasn't expecting anything and I didn't give her anything. In the heart paper, she mentioned how I showed her some good music and I feel like she would like the song I put in this blog post.

Moving on from today's subject. I want to talk about some other stuff that happened today. I found a real flower, a pink carnation, on the floor and kept it because why not. Also, I made it to the state competition for HOSA for the pharmacology section which I am shocked about. It is in Tucson and I would have to stay in a hotel (a resort my Pharmacy teacher said) for like two days. To be honest it sounds fun and I think It'll be a great opportunity and the worst I can do is not win. That is pretty much all that happened today. Senia bought the fam some gifts and we are waiting for her to get home so we can open them. I don't expect anything else to happen this week besides Friday's musical of "Zombie Prom," I'm excited, bye!



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