The First Two Weeks of May 2023
Thursday 8:14 PM
MAY 1st
I don't really remember what happened on this day so we'll just skip to the interesting days.
May 3rd
This was the day I took my AP Lit exam and Mom and I had a bit of a rocky morning. Twenty had a vet appointment to get his teeth cleaned at 7:30 AM but my exam started at 8:00 AM and I needed to be there at 7:50 AM. Mom and I decided to leave really early (6:50 AM) to drop Twenty off at 7:00 AM so I could make it on time to my exam. However, once Mom was driving she noticed her brakes were acting weird so I told her to pull over because she wasn't able to go past 20 mph. As soon as she pulled over the car started smoking and we all rushed out of the car, but I made to grab Twenty first of course. I knew that there was no way I was going to make my exam now so I texted my friends and told them the news. My friend Emma and her mom decide they would be very heroic and save the day. Mom had Tia Jessica pick her and Twenty up while Emma and her mom picked me up. They got to our location which was 67th and Orangewood at around 7:40 AM. We got to school at 8:15 AM and thankfully they hadn't started the test and we got to take it. The rest of the day was boring but that morning was cray cray lolz!
May 6th
Saturday, Prom day! I woke up at 7:00 AM and made breakfast while Mom prepared dinner for later on so I had something in my stomach before I went to Prom because my school was being a stupid beach and didn't get any caterers. I mean can you believe people paid $85 for an event that wasn't even going to feed you. Senia said her Prom let the student choose between a fish or chicken meal and it was in a resort, the ticket cost $60; if you can't tell I'm mad :(. Anywho, I ate my breakfast and took a shower. Mom then said that someone has to do my hair so we went to a salon at around 12 to 1 o'clock PM and a lady did my hair. I showed her this photo:
The lady was teasing my hair and as soon as I felt that first tease I knew I wasn't going to like it. She finished at around 2:30 PM and Mom and I went to a nail salon. We finished that at like 5:00 PM and we rushed home. Mom finished dinner and I ate it (it was beef tacos but like that pully meat...oh and some guacamole, but the liquidy kind). My friends wanted to meet at the Phoenix Art Museum at 7:00 PM but I was still at home because I hated my hair and didn't want to leave the house with my big 60s hairstyle, I felt like Tracy Turnblade and Amy Winehouse all at the same time. I left the house at 7:30 PM and got to the venue at 8:00 PM looking like this:
I think I look okay but I know I could have done better, but it's okay! The hair was actually pretty I wish I took a photo of the back but I only have the ugly front portion of the photo. Once I got to the Museum my friends and I took some photos in the photo booth:
Prom was pretty fun we danced and ate cookies and drank water because that is all they had lolz. Then Mom and you picked me up at 10:30 PM and we went to Cane's for that finger-licking good chicken. We went home and I ate it all up and went memes.
MAY 8th
This day was my AP Calculus AB exam and I actually made it on time and pretty early too. The exam was also at 8:00 AM and I got there at 7:20 AM. I think I did my best and I'm okay if I get a 2 on it because it means I learned some stuff. BTW a passing grade is 3 and the highest you can get is a 5.
MAY 9th
I had my ExCPT Pharmacy technician test at 6:00 PM this day and I wasn't nervous because I felt like I was going to do good on it. I launched the exam at 5:45 PM and it was all going smoothly until that damn pop-up said "Page unresponsive." I tried to continue but it wouldn't budge so I logged out and tried it again, and the same thing happened. I rushed to Denise to use her laptop instead and Senia's and it worked...well until the proctor said they couldn't see me through the camera. I was devastated because I thought I wasn't going to be able to take the test. I have been in this program for two years and for it to end like this was not okay with me. The tech person who was helping me did something and the proctor could see me and I was so happy. They asked me to take everything off my desk and get rid of my corkboard, backpack, and water bottle. They were really strict, but I got to take my test and I was glad. I started it at 7:20 PM and finished at 8:50 PM.
MAY 10th
I found out I passed the test. I got a 400 out of 500. A passing score is 390.
MAY 11th
This is today and it was a pretty chill day. We threw a party in pharmacy to celebrate the people who passed and as it turned out a lot of people had technical issues so it wasn't just me. Dr. Wright-Smith who is my pharmacy teacher had us wear white coats and she pinned us with a pin that says "Pharmacy Technician Certified" It's cute.
MAY 12th
This day hasn't happened yet, but it is Senior Sunset, and my friends and I are going to Denny's after school to bide the time. I'm also having another party in Spanish class so I am excited about that!
Okay, I'm tired I'm going to sleep now, bye!
9:20 PM
😁 I hope I get some leftovers! 🤤