A Summer Catch-Up!

Monday 7:50 PM

Alright, let's get this show on the road! I have been very inactive on my blog for the past 2 months, but I never expected to post every day. I chose "I Can See You" by Taylor Swift as my musical ambiance for this post because she recently released Taylor's Version of her 2010 album Speak Now and it's my favorite song from the album. Oh fun fact, the music video to this song has her ex-boyfriend, Taylor Launter, in it which is really cool. I am going to try my best to recap from where I last left off in my last blog post, here we go *cracks knuckles and neck*!

MAY 12th
    This day was senior sunset and my friends and I passed the time by first at Denny's because the event didn't begin until 6:00pm and school ended at 2:50pm so we needed something to do. Anywho, we walked all the way over to the nearest Denny's and probably left at 4 o'clock meaning we had two more hours to wait. We ended up walking to my bank (Copper State Credit Union) because we forgot to say we were splitting the check 3 ways; Jennifer paid and when I tried to transfer her money I realized I can't until I'm 18 (so dumb). I took out $20 and paid her then we walked back to Metro Tech. We still had a good hour to wait so we just sat in the 1st building downstairs near the bank in school. We were excessively sweating and our feet were so tired so we sort of just looked like smooshed tomatoes. Once we cooled down and it was 6:00pm we walked over to the baseball field and tried to figure out how we were going to decorate our grad caps. That was pretty much a waste because we didn't end up decorating them and we kind of just stole the paint from the station and painted each other arms. I had leftover spicy ruffle chips from the party I had in Spanish that day and was eating them while we listened to music. The school had this human hamster ball that Emma and I got in and raced. I won! We sat back down and talked, I don't remember what about, but while we were talking this other group of friends asked me to take Polaroid photos of them, it was cute. Oh, I forgot to mention that Emma's mom brought us a blanket so we sat on that the whole time. Emma and I then raced in a fun bounce house until we were all told to head to the gym (also Jennifer was recording us for those 2 races Emma and I did because she didn't want to do it). Anyways, as we were all walking to the gym the DJ started playing "Flashing Lights" by Kanye West, and Jennifer and I were singing it. Now that I'm describing this event it is very High School movie esque. It gets even more High School movieyyy. STUGO made a video for the Class of 2023 and it was adorable (I wasn't in it because you had to submit footage and eww I wasn't going to do that). After the video played the student president gave an impromptu speech that I really liked and that was... you guessed it or maybe you didn't but very High School movieyyy. After that, the event was over and I was the first to get picked up so I said my goodbyes to my friends and went home.

MAY 15th - 19th

    This was my last week of school and nothing interesting happened, but I do remember my advisory teacher Ms. Loyd screaming at a group of boys in the class on my last day in that class. Thank goodness I traveled that last day so I wouldn't have to sit in awkwardness. Jennifer and I went to Emma's advisory to play Cards Against Humanity; it's really fun but inappropriate which is why it's fun.

MAY 20th

    This day was supposed to be the day that Jennifer, Emma, and I went to Esacpe Westgate but they were fully booked and we couldn't go. I was really sad and disappointed but we made plans to go to a different escape room after our graduation rehearsal closer to school. I think we just cleaned the house this day because we threw a grad party after my graduation.

MAY 24th

    This was graduation rehearsal day and it lasted about an hour and a half so 1 o'clock from 2:30pm. The school gave us ice cream after the practice. The practice was easy, but most of it was just waiting in the beginning and they told us we were doing a surprise dance which I thought was cute. Afterward, my friends and I walked to the bus stop and took it to the escape room. The game started at 4 o'clock and we got there at 3 o'clock. We went to shake shack to get a drink before we go to the game. The cashier gave us free drinks which was nice because they usually cost $3. We went to the game next and played it. This one was a lot harder than the last one we did and we went over the 1 hour escape room. My mom picked me up last once we finished the game and we got Cane's afterward (you can tell I love Cane's).

MAY 25th

    WooHoo! Graduation Day! My graduation started at 8:30am and I woke up at 4:00am to get ready. I listened to Kanye's Graduation album while getting ready. I thought I would take note of that. I finished getting dressed and we leave at 6:50am. I get there and meet up with Jennifer and Emma until we have to separate into our appropriate sections. We wait for an hour until it's showtime! I was seated in the front right side of the class because they put the top students in the front, that's right, I'm smart *tosses hair*. The graduation begins and they call the names and since I'm in the front I sit for most of the ceremony. Maribel, Denise, Yesenia, Mom, and Dad are the only ones to come to my graduation because it was so early in the morning; our school was the first graduation of the day for the Arizona Coliseum on Thursday, May 25th, 2023. Once it's over I meet up with my friends and we congratulate each other, take a photo and go our separate ways because we have families to get back to. I then meet up with the whole gang and we take photos. I leave the event with Yesenia and Maribel. After a quick stop at Senia's apartment, we head to the house where it is all decorated from our efforts of last night. We wait for people to show up and get on with it. The attendees were: Tia Gina, Tia Lula, Tia Jessica and her fam as well as my fam. Tia Gina gives me a $50 Sephora gift card which I used up already. Tia Lula gave me essentials for our trip to Mazatlan (Beach towel and flip flops) which we were going to the next day. She also gave me a gift card that had $100 in it :). I really loved the flip-flops and towel though. Tia Jessica and Grandma each gave me a $25 Starbucks gift card making it a total of $50; I already used the first one. Yesenia gave me some really great makeup which I took with me on vacation. My next gift was really creative and it was a jar of $125 of singles wrapped up like diplomas from the whole Fig Fam! I loved it. I still have the jar but not the money lol. I'm just kidding I do it's in my savings I'm not dumb. Once the party was over it was time to sleep.

MAY 26th

    We left this day for Mexico but had to come back because my dad's tire was wonky. We ended up really leaving the next day. I'm not going to write about our vacation because Denise is currently working on the vlog for it so go watch that.

JUNE 5th

    We came back from Mexico.

JUNE 6th

    I got a $2,000 scholarship and Tia Jessica came to visit us and I showed Emily and Wendy the 8th Grade movie because they are entering it this fall (I did this because of you Denise. You showed it to me when it was my time and now it's their time). We also got Little Ceaser and we all just chatted.

JUNE 7th

    I got another scholarship for $10,000 that will be split up into $5,000 for this year and next year.

JULY 3rd

    The rest of June was boring so let's fast forward to the next month. July 3rd was the day I applied to Cane's!

JULY 5th

    This was the day they texted me to see what my availability will be before I had my interview.

JULY 7th

    I got another text from Cane's letting me know when interviews were going on. The text said Sunday from 9:30am to 11:00am. July 7th was a Friday and I got the text at 7pm so I only had Saturday to prepare. This fact doesn't matter but I was watching Meet Me in Paris from the Roku Channel when I got the text. This was also the day Speak Now (Taylor's Version) came out.

JULY 8th

    I spent this whole day practicing but when it came to falling asleep I couldn't. I tried sleeping early because I was going to head to the interview at around 10:00am and I just couldn't relax. My heart was beating fast and I felt like throwing up but I didn't. I ended up staying up till 1am watching funny videos so I can relax and fall asleep.

JULY 9th

    I wake up at 7:00am and head to the shower at 8:00am and get ready. I wear black dress pants, a knitted sweater with short sleeves, and black flats with my hair down straight with a middle part tucked behind my ears. Mom, Denise, and Dad drive me to the interview. We get there at 9:45am and I sit in the parking lot scared and start to cry worried that I forget everything I'm planning on saying and fail. I collected myself the best I could and walked in. As I was heading for the door I noticed an employee eating outside and another heading for the door like me. He appeared to be a cook or a manager; I was scared he was going to be interviewing me because he scared me. Not because he looked mean but because he looked professional, well, as professional as you can for a Cane's employee. I say thank you to him as nice as I can and I step inside and wait behind a blonde girl who is wearing a loose black crop top and some black shorts that cut off just above her knee. There is another guy in there who is wearing dark blue jeans and a blue T-shirt with a graphic on it and he has a little girl with him; either his daughter or sister (probably his sister cause he looked too young to be a father but you never know). The Cane's employee asks if I'm here for an interview also and I say yes and immediately realize the blonde girl and blue jean boy are here for one too. I quickly feel overdressed and compare myself to the blonde girl in front of me signing the sign-in sheet that they gave us after accidentally giving us the interview paper giving me a little insider into what the questions will be. I sign the sheet and sit down trying to remember my planned responses. They call the blue jean boy and little girl up first. I glance over at the blonde girl and she's on her phone, I can tell this isn't her first rodeo because she doesn't look nervous like I probably do. I feel weird just kicking my feet while I admire the decorated restaurant so I take the blonde girls approach and I go on my phone, but not to text or browse the internet, but to listen to my pre-recorded responses on my phone (I look like I'm on a phone call which I think is more acceptable then Miss blondie's phone activity). I can see in my peripheral view that blue jeans was done (probably took him 5-7 minutes). I put my phone away and smile at the girl who gave him an interview. She asks for my name and I kindly give it to her. We walk outside and start the interview. It lasted for 5 minutes and she asked questions like: What is your availability? Do you have transportation? Tell me about yourself? Do you have any hobbies? Why do you want to work at Cane's? What was your past Fast-Food work experience like? Do you have a food card? I asked her a question when she finished asking me questions and I asked: How would you see me fitting in here? I thanked her for the interview and we shook hands and she said they'll be in contact with me in 3-5 days. I walked off and had to wait for the fam to come to get me because they went to a different parking lot so I wouldn't get distracted. They got Mcdonald's and we eat it when we get home.

JULY 10th

    Today's Tia Jessica's birthday (she's 38). We are going to her b-day party on Saturday. Today Denise and I read our book "Again, but Better" by Christine Riccio for our sister book club. While we were on our second to last chapter for the day I got a text message from Cane's telling me that they are offering me a conditional offer because they have to do a background check first but that they are basically offering me the job. I was very excited because I'm getting my first job and I'll be earning my own money and I'll have something to do to fill the rest of my summer before school starts. I tell everyone because I know I'm going to pass the background check because I ain't no crimer (I know that's not a word but it sounds funny). I'm extremely excited to work, I've had so many dreams of having my first job and my own money and now that it's real I can't wait to start!

Thank you for reading this Denise. See you tomorrow to read!



  1. OMG!!!!! SO CUTE!!! Those high school movie vibes were strong! XDDDD
    Lolz you love Cane's so much that you work there now! XDDDD :P
    Lolz Kanye's Graduation album is the perfect one to listen to while getting ready for your own graduation! 🤭
    Lolz that hair toss thooooo heheheh
    I love that I got an Ale audiobook for the rest of this blog post.
    Now Ale is also like Shane where she also has a blog, but hers is more of a travel blog.

    1. Yup Cane's is my fav! I know right! That Kanye album is pretty great. Maybe I should record me reading it and attach it to the post. I can never be like Shane, but I'll try. Happy Shwednesday!

    2. Happy Shwednesday! I suggested you record an Ale audiobook months ago, but you said that was too much work. But if you are interested again, I can help you with that! 😃


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